Mary Wacker
A Lifelong Commitment to the Elmbrook Community
The Elmbrook School community has rightfully earned a reputation as one of the most successful public school districts in Wisconsin and beyond. This success has been achieved through the efforts of families who value education, teachers whose dedication to their students goes above and beyond the classroom, and leadership that has poised us for future success.
Strong public schools benefit our children, our neighborhoods, and our property values. And as we celebrate all we have achieved, it is incumbent upon us to make responsible, fact-based decisions with an eye to the next generation.
Thank you for your support. I look forward to serving our community.
~Mary Wacker, Elmbrook School Board

Experience Matters
Mary is the first of three generations who have attended Elmbrook public schools. She knows how important it is to take the time and effort necessary to maintain and expand Elmbrook excellence.
As a parent, Mary knows first-hand the commitment of involved parents, because Mary has been a room parent, playground designer, fundraiser, Girl Scout leader, swim mom, fine arts mom, and active leader and participant in parent organizations at all levels.
As a professional, Mary built the award-winning Brookfield East forensics team into a state and national powerhouse in her 22 years as coach. She has worked as a preschool teacher/director and K-12 librarian. She has also served in a variety of roles in higher education, including adjunct instructor, graduate school recruiter, and Associate Director of Alpha Sigma Nu, Honor Society of Jesuit Colleges and Universities.​
As an active citizen, Mary has been involved in district dialogues and decision making since the 1980s, serving on the Swanson-Wisconsin Hills Task Force, as a member of interview teams for district administrators, and as an Elmbrook Key Communicator.
Currently, Mary is a consultant specializing in market research and professional development at Swingtide, an IT consulting firm specializing in health care.
Maintaining Elmbrook’s Strength: Mary's Core Beliefs
Sustain Academic Achievement
The board must provide fact-based decision making and assessment to ensure that we continue to meet our reputation of excellence for every child.

Our Excellence Depends on Our Educators
The magic happens in the classrooms, labs, and playing fields. We must recruit, retain, and respect our teachers and staff, especially in this time of teacher shortages.

Strong Public Schools Serve Everyone
Why did you move here? High property values? Affordable taxes? Quality of life? The education of your children? What do we have in common? We all benefit from strong public schools.